Aatreya Ayurved & Panchakarma Clinic Hadapsar, Pune
Welcome to Aatreya Ayurved and Panchakarma Clinic where ancient wisdom meets modern healing. At our clinic, we are dedicated to restoring harmony and balance to your mind, body, and spirit through the time-honored practices of Ayurveda. With a deep-rooted commitment to holistic wellness, our team of experienced practitioners offers personalized care that honors your unique constitution & individual needs. Step into a healing sanctuary where tradition meets innovation, and embark on a journey towards optimal health and vitality. Discover the transformative power of Ayurveda at Aatreya Ayurved and Panchakarma Clinic Hadapsar, Pune.
Aatreya Clinic was established in DEC 2008. Since then till now we have been served with our impressive treatments. We are serving with our impressive treatments for Joint pain, Back pain, Infertility, PCOS, and other skin & hair problems.
We provide an Interactive Class for Garbhasanskar & Pregnancy Care (Antenatal). Garbhsanskar means educating your baby inside your womb. Over the period, we have treated hundreds of cases related to Vata disorders. Every gynecological case has been treated with a unique approach and we are dealing with many challenging infertility cases with positive results.
Facilities You Will Get Here
- Authentic Ayurveda treatments
- Panchkarma treatments as and when required
- Diet as per your disease in Prakruti
- Yoga for different diseases
- A specialized programmed GARBHSANSKAR SESSIONs

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! But where can we find that ounce of potion for immortality?
Our Services

Wellness Therapies
Invest in your health, not your disease. These programs are specifically designed to nurture and rebalance the body in times of change, pressure, and stress.

specialized branch for hair and skin. Products that can be customized as per one’s skin type.
Why Aatreya Ayurved & Panchakarma Clinic
Mind & Body Treatment
We address not just the physical body but also the patients emotional and spiritual health.
Personal Attention
We typically place greater emphasis on one-on-one consultation and personal attention throughout the entire treatment.
Focus on Prevention
We encourage our patients to have “well visits ” that are focused on prevention and reoccurence of disease.
Stay Informed on Ayurveda and Panchakarma - Read Our Latest Blogs
Understanding Rasayan Therapy in Ayurveda: Benefits, Types, and Uses
Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, offers various therapies to maintain health and prevent diseases. Among these, Rasayan Therapy holds...
Ayurvedic Treatment for Thyroid Disorders
Understanding Thyroid Disorders The thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped organ in the neck, plays a critical role in regulating metabolism,...
स्मरणशक्ती वाढविण्यासाठी ५ प्रभावी आयुर्वेदिक उपाय
स्मरणशक्ती (Memory) ही मेंदूची सर्वात महत्त्वाची क्षमता आहे, जी आपले विचार, ज्ञान, आणि अनुभव साठवून ठेवते. मात्र, वेगवान जीवनशैली, तणाव,...
Ayurvedic Remedies for Throat Infection and Sore Throat
Throat infections and sore throats are common conditions that cause discomfort, irritation, and pain, especially while swallowing. They can result...
Best Ayurvedic Tips for Dealing with Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Erectile dysfunction (ED), known as Klaibya in Ayurveda, is a growing concern among men, affecting self-confidence, relationships, and overall quality...
निरोगी राहण्यासाठी या आयुर्वेदिक औषधी वनस्पतींचा आहारात समावेश करा
आरोग्यासाठी आयुर्वेदिक वनस्पतींचे महत्त्व नैसर्गिक औषधांमध्ये आयुर्वेदाची महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका आहे. निरोगी शरीरासाठी आणि दीर्घायुष्यासाठी योग्य आहार आवश्यक आहे. आयुर्वेदानुसार काही...
Ayurvedic Diet Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle
Ayurvedic Nutrition Guide for a Balanced Life Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet...
How Ayurveda Can Help Manage Stress and Anxiety
In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become common issues affecting mental and physical well-being. The ancient science of...
पंचकर्म चिकित्सा आपके शरीर को कैसे लाभ पहुंचाती है?
आयुर्वेद में पंचकर्म चिकित्सा को शरीर की संपूर्ण शुद्धि और संतुलन बनाए रखने का एक प्रभावी तरीका माना जाता है।...
Benefits of Panchakarma Therapy for Modern Lifestyle
In today’s fast-paced world, stress, poor diet, pollution, and sedentary lifestyles have led to an increase in lifestyle-related disorders such...
Top 10 Ayurvedic Remedies for Digestive Health
Digestive health is the cornerstone of overall well-being, according to Ayurveda. An imbalanced digestive system can lead to a host...
The Ayurvedic Guide to Understanding Your Menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle is an essential aspect of a woman’s health and well-being. Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, offers...
Breaking Myths About Male Infertility: What Every Man Should Know
When it comes to infertility, societal narratives often focus on women, leaving men’s reproductive health under-discussed and misunderstood. The truth...
Rediscover Fertility Naturally – Ayurvedic Solutions For Male Infertility
Struggling with infertility can be an emotional and challenging experience for any couple. Unfortunately, male infertility is becoming increasingly common,...
Constipation: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Constipation is a common digestive condition affecting millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by difficulty in passing stools, infrequent...
Complete Guide to Knee Joint Health: An Ayurvedic Approach
Maintaining knee joint health is essential for overall mobility, well-being, and longevity. As one of the most complex joints in...
त्वचेच्या विकारांवर आयुर्वेदिक उपचार
आयुर्वेद ही एक प्राचीन भारतीय उपचार प्रणाली आहे, आयुर्वेदामुळे बरेच आजार बरे करता येतात तेही कुठल्याही साईड इफेक्टस् शिवाय. त्वचेच्या...
पोट साफ न होण्याची कारणे, लक्षणे आणि त्यावरील उपाय
कॉन्स्टिपेशन /बद्धकोष्ठता म्हणजे नक्की काय, बद्धकोष्ठता होण्याची कारणे कोणती आणि त्यावर कोणते उपाय करणे आवश्यक आहे याबाबतची माहिती आपण आज...
How to Get Permanent Relief from Wrinkles with Ayurveda
Understanding Wrinkles and Ayurveda Wrinkles are a natural part of aging, but they can also be a source of distress...
How to Stop Hair Fall According to Ayurveda?
Hair fall is a common concern that affects people of all ages. While various treatments exist, Ayurveda offers a holistic...
Panchakarma Treatments For Weight Loss
In today’s fast-moving world, maintaining a healthy weight has become a challenge for many. Ayurveda, the ancient science of life,...
Ayurvedic Infertility Treatment For Male & Female At Aatreya Ayurved Clinic Hadapsar, Pune
Understanding Infertility in Ayurveda Infertility is an emotionally and physically challenging condition that affects many couples worldwide. Ayurveda views infertility not...
Ayurvedic Treatment for Gynecological Disorders
In a world where modern medicine often takes center stage, it’s easy to overlook the ancient wisdom that Ayurveda offers,...
चेहऱ्यावरील सुरकुत्या घालवण्यासाठी घरगुती उपाय
वाढत्या वयाबरोबर त्वचेवर अनेक बदल दिसू लागतात. यापैकी त्वचेवर सुरकुत्या आणि बारीक रेषा सर्वात सामान्य आहेत. कारण जसजसे वय वाढते...
निरोगी राहण्यासाठी या 7 गोष्टींचा आहारात समावेश करा
आपले आरोग्य चांगले आणि निरोगी राहावे असे तुम्हाला वाटते का? तुमचा आहार तुमच्या एकूण आरोग्यामध्ये महत्त्वाची भूमिका बजावतो. तर त्यासाठी...
अम्लपित्ताचा त्रास टाळण्यासाठी आयुर्वेदिक उपाय
अम्लपित्त किंवा छातीत जळजळ ही एक सामान्य समस्या आहे जी पोटात ऍसिड चा प्रमाण जास्त झाल्यामुळे तयार होत असते आणि...
चेहऱ्यावरील वांग आणि आयुर्वेदिक ऊपाय
वांग अत्यंत हट्टी आणि त्रासदायक असू शकते. वांग केवळ वेदनादायक नसतात तर कुरूप चट्टे देखील सोडतात. विशेषत: जेव्हा त्वचेचा प्रश्न...
वजन कमी करण्यासाठी पंचकर्म कसे मदत करते?
मित्रांनो तुम्हाला माहिती आहे का आपल्या भारतात हजारो वर्षा पूर्वी आयुर्वेदिक उपचार केला जात असे आणि त्यांच्या वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारच्या चिकित्सा...
Which Ayurvedic Treatment is Best For Skin Disease?
When it comes to finding the best Ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases, there are several options that can provide effective...
केसांची काळजी कशी घ्यावी?
Ayurvedic Facts And Hair Care in Marathi प्रत्येकाला लांब आणि दाट केस हवे असतात. पण प्रत्येकाला हवे तसे केस मिळत...
आयुर्वेदिक दृष्टिकोनातून त्वचेची काळजी कशी घ्यावी?
आपल्या प्रत्येकालाच आपली त्वचा सुंदर आणि आरोग्यदायी असावी असं वाटते आणि विशेषतः मुलींना तर आपली त्वचा सुंदर दिसावी असं नेहमीच...
ऊत्तरबस्ती म्हणजे काय ? ऊत्तरबस्ती ही कोणत्या विकारांवर दिली जाते ?
ऊत्तरबस्ती म्हणजे काय ? ऊत्तरबस्ती ही एक आयुर्वेदिक उपचार पद्धती आहे. स्त्रियांमध्ये मूत्रमार्गाने व अपत्यमार्गाने, तर पुरुषांमध्ये मूत्रमार्गाने दिल्या जाणाऱ्या...
स्त्रियांच्या आरोग्यासाठी पंचकर्मातील काही उपयुक्त पद्धती
पंचकर्म ही एक प्राचीन आयुर्वेदिक उपचार पद्धत आहे जी ५ प्रकारच्या उपचारांचा समावेश करते : स्नेहन : तेलाने मालिश करणे स्वेदन...
Managing Stress with Ayurveda : Ancient Techniques for Modern Stressors
In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a common problem. The demands of work, family, and daily life can take...
Ayurvedic Fertility Wisdom: Unlocking Natural Conception Solutions
Introduction Fertility is a topic that has been surrounded by myths, misconceptions, and modern medical interventions. However, Ayurveda, the ancient...
Natural Weight Loss with Ayurveda
Introduction Are you tired of trying different diets and exercise routines to shed those extra pounds, only to be disappointed...
How to Manage PCOS with Ayurveda
Introduction: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder affecting millions of women worldwide. Its symptoms, which include irregular...
Ayurvedic Approach to Common Gynaecological Disorders
Introduction : The Ayurvedic approach to common gynecological disorders offers a holistic solution to women’s health issues. Ayurveda is a...
Promoting Ayurvedic Tips for Stress Management
Introduction Stress is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide. The fast-paced life, work pressure, personal problems, and...
10 Benefits of a Full Body Purification
Panchakarma treatments are an integral part of Ayurvedic medicine, a traditional healing system that originated in India more than 5,000...
Ayurvedic Treatment for Thyroid
The thyroid is a gland, an organ on the front side of your neck and around the windpipe. The thyroid...
7 Ayurvedic Tips to Reduce Heat in the body
Summers are atrocious, sometimes with an increasing mercury level in the body. The body Reduces heat, or the Pitta (in...
7 Ayurvedic Tips To Prevent Dry And Dull Skin
Winter is just knocking at the door, and all are getting prepared to keep their skin smooth. Individuals can suffer...
10 Healthy Vegan Comfort Foods for Winter
If you think that only non-veg recipes can keep you cozy during the winter, you are wrong. Many don’t have...
4 Effective Ayurveda Treatment for Joint Pain
At present huge numbers of people are suffering from joint pain. Joint pain typically develops due to age, severe injury,...
5 Ayurveda Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction or impotence has emerged as a quite known problem among men. It is a situation when men face...
5 Ayurvedic Herbs to Treat Condition of Varicose Veins
Experiencing muscle discomfort is not normal and may indicate a more severe health issue that needs to be addressed immediately....
4 Ways of Hair Fall Treatments in Ayurveda
Without delving too thoroughly into specific causes of hair Fall, it is becoming clear that a bad diet and contemporary...
Udwartnam: Know about this Ayurvedic Treatment for Weight Loss
It can be really challenging yet very important to lose weight at times. You might follow proper weight loss steps...
Panchakarma, The Ayurvedic Way to Flush Out Toxins from The Body
In a world full of health problems, Allopathic medicines play a very important role, but they also come with some...
Infertility Problem Solution By Uttar Basti Ayurvedic Treatment
Infertility in females is when the women become incapable of getting pregnant. Loads of cases exist where, despite having unprotected...
Ayurvedic Herbs that Helps You Control Blood Sugar Level
Human blood carries sugar or glucose to every cell to enhance energy. Blood gets glucose from people’s food, and sugar...
How To Heal Constipation With Ayurveda?
Constipation has always been a problem in every Indian household. However, this is one of the most common problems which...
How To Reduce Hyperpigmentation With Ayurvedic Treatments?
Are you tired of putting on makeup to hide the dark spots and patches on your face that don’t seem...
Shirodhara: Magical Ayurvedic Therapy To Relieve Stress
Ayurveda is one of the most ancient ways of treating various chronic diseases. It has also gained massive popularity because...
Keeping Dandruff by the Ayurvedic Way
Dealing with Dandruff can be so annoying. Try out tons of different shampoos to find what works for you, only...
Kati Basti for Lower Back Pain
‘Kati’ means lower back in Sanskrit, while ‘Basti’ means to maintain in the same language. A sedentary lifestyle and hours...
The Perfect Ayurvedic Daily Routine to Cure Acne And Pimples
Ayurveda is an ancient science of health, well-being, and beauty, a boon to the world and one of the richest...
Ayurvedic Tips And Remedies For Common Digestive Issues
Many people suffer from digestive issues such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and heartburn. These issues may be traced back to...
Basti Karma
Ayurveda is known for its several techniques of purification and maintaining the Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. One of these methods...
Planning for Baby (conception) with the Help of Ayurveda
If you are suffering from infertility, then do not despair anymore. Ayurveda is here to help. With the help of...
Ayurvedic treatment of Hyperacidity | Beneficial in Heartburn, Bloating, and Loss of appetite
Hyperacidity occurs due to symptoms that appear because of an imbalance between the mechanism of acid secretion of the proximal...
Ayurvedic Treatment of Gout
When you have a high amount of uric acid in your body, it can result in hyperuricemia, which can further...
What Is Panchakarma Treatment and How Can It Help You?
The traditional Panchakarma People have always sought natural approaches to improving their health. Ayurveda is an old medication that utilizes...
How to Help Manage Joint Pain with Ayurveda
Joint pain is a very common health condition that people experience. If you desire to improve your joint health, follow...
Ayurvedic Beauty Care Tips, Solutions for Healthy Skin
Do you love your skin and want it to stay youthful? Then, you must try Ayurvedic Beauty Care Tips. These...
Manage your Gynecological Disorders with Ayurveda
Women can suffer from various gynecological disorders. This can include problems such as menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea. Ayurvedic drugs can...
An effective Ayurvedic diet to Boost Fertility
As per Ayurveda, infertility occurs when a woman reaches their reproductive age but is not able to complete the entire...
7 most famous Ayurvedic Treatments to treat Infertility
Infertility is the reason why most people turn to different kinds of treatments. They spend their whole lives finding solutions...
How to Take Care of Your Hair by Ayurveda?
There is hardly any person who will avoid having hair problems. Loads of causes are responsible for hair loss and...
Caring For Your Skin In Winter With Ayurveda
Winter is knocking at the door, and the time has arrived to cherish festivals. People eagerly wait to enjoy the...
How to Lose Weight by Ayurvedic Method?
Suffering from obesity has been quite common in recent days among individuals worldwide. Obesity causes serious health issues for people...
Ayurveda Treatment & Remedies for Knee Pain during Winter
At present, huge numbers of people are suffering from knee pain, and the cases are increasing over the years. Normally...
Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss- Remedies, tips, and more
As per Ayurveda, belly fat happens as an outcome of a rise in your Kapha dosha. If you do not...
Have a Safe and Healthy Pregnancy with Ayurvedic Prenatal Care
Ayurvedic prenatal care is safe, effective, natural, and non-invasive. By following these principles, you can get a normal delivery, a...
Ayurvedic Treatment for Fertility and Infertility- Female and Male
There are various Ayurvedic treatments that help to treat infertility in females and males. Modern medicines or treatments do not...
Ayurvedic Remedies For Hair Loss and Regrowth
As per Ayurveda, one of the primary reasons for your hair loss is an imbalance of your doshas. In addition,...
How Ayurveda Helps to Glow Your Skin?
Ayurveda is a combination of science and art for your natural beauty. It enables us to follow a healthy lifestyle....
Ayurvedic Panchkarma Treatment Types and Benefits
Ayurveda refers to the ancient science of holistic healing. It does not focus on any treatment with medications but it...
Ayurveda and Panchakarma: Measuring the Effects of a Holistic Health Intervention
India has been known for Ayurveda and Ayurvedic treatment since the past, and at present, the field has got immense...
Treat your skin problems naturally by Ayurvedic Panchakarma
Everyone wants to have rejuvenating skin and to get we follow various skincare treatments. But, Ayurveda, one of India’s most...
GarbhaSanskaar in Pregnancy – Educate Your Dream Child
Women may have heard of GarbhaSanskar, but all are not quite aware of this process during the pregnancy. The meaning...
Ayurvedic secrets for flawless skin this monsoon
During the season of monsoon, our skin turns sensitive. At the same time, it becomes prone to infection due to...
Ayurvedic remedies to manage ‘massive hair fall’ post-Covid
Most people post-Covid have experienced ‘massive hair fall’. Experts think that it is due to excess medications along with stress....
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month- September
Obesity not only affects adults but also children. As they grow older, they may face different health problems. These include...
Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss: Remedies and Tips
Losing fat from your body is not an easy process. It may also lead to other complications in your health....
Tips To Improve Lung Health with Ayurveda
Ayurveda, also known as “Mother of All Healing,” traces its roots back to more than 5000 years ago in India. The ancient...
Best Ayurvedic Doctor in Hadapsar – Dr. Dattatray Nalage & Dr. Swati Nalage
Ayurveda has extended its branches in various areas in India. Aatreya Ayurveda and Panchkarma Clinic, Hadapsar are some of the best...
Endometriosis Prevention and Ayurvedic Therapy
When the tissues growing outside your uterine cavity coincide with the tissues forming the inner layer of your uterus, it’s...
Pregnancy Diet Tips in Winter Season: What to Eat and Avoid
Pregnancy in winter is better than summer because the cool weather balances the natural high core temperature and reduces excessive...
Guide to Ayurvedic Skin Care: Treatment and Panchakarma Therapy
Indian Ayurveda has made a lot of contributions to the world. The importance of Ayurveda is immense, and it is...
Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment in COVID-19 to Boost Immunity
We are facing a global pandemic COVID-19, and one of the most important steps to fight this virus is to...
वर्षाऋतु – पावसाळ्या मध्ये आरोग्यपूर्ण निरोगी राहण्याचा आयुर्वेदिक मंत्र
चला दोस्तहो….. आरोग्यावर बोलू काही!! आरोग्यपूर्ण निरोगी शरीर हे सर्व सुखांचे माहेरघर असते. आयुर्वेदाचे सर्वात महत्त्वाचे उद्दिष्ट म्हणजे ” स्वस्थस्य...
Garbh Sanskar to Manage Anxiety During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is the most delicate period for a woman. The nine months she carries the baby is precarious and extremely...
Infertility: Male Causes, Female Causes, Diagnosis
Fertility has been a primary concern for women for the longest time. It has since increased as a condition over...
National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month – MAY
Teenage pregnancy is a severe problem in society as it can lead to complications in the woman’s body. A girl...
सुवर्णप्राशन आणि सुवर्णप्राशनाचे फायदे
“डॉक्टर , माझं बाळ सारखंच आजारी पडतंय. जरा वातावरण बदलले की याला सर्दी होते, कधी तापही येतो. असं का होतं?...
कोरोनावर भारतीय काढा रामबाण उपाय, जपानने दिले प्राधान्य
कोरोनावरील उपचार पद्धतीत भारतीय आयुर्वेद काढा वापरण्याचा निर्णय जपानने घेतला आहे. जगाभरात कोरोनाचा (Cornavirus) धोका वाढला आहे. कोरोनाने हाहाकार माजवला...
Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOD
PCOD: PCOD हा मासिक पाळी संबंधातीळ एक आजार आहे. काही स्त्रियांमध्ये विविध कारणांमुळे मासिक पाळी संदर्भात अनियमितपणा जाणवायला लागते. पाळी अनियमित...
Panchakarma: Process, Treatment, Recovery and Types
The word Panchakarma derives from Sanskrit, and it means “Five Actions”. It is one of the effective Ayurvedic treatments that...
Ayurvedic Garbha Sanskar Therapy – Aatreya Ayurved and Panchakarma Clinic
Nowadays, Ayurvedic treatment has become popular due to its efficacy in treating various health issues. Apart from offering healing measures,...
Best Ayurvedic Infertility Treatment for Male & Female
Many are unaware that the rate of growth of infertility in both men and women is extremely alarming. Several reasons...
Doctor in this clinic here's patiently and provides right diagnosis.Treatment is very effective.Very genuine doctor . Doctor is very punctual.Very good for women and kids.
Praggya Nigam
I contacted doctor for my skin problem. I have a sun rays allergies or skins infection. N experience with docter for treatment is amazing. And because of him only I started believing ayurveda
Ashwini Salunkhe
Very nice experience. My dad was treated for Stomach ulcer and now in quite relief. Thanks to Doctors of Aatreya clinic. They possess good expertise in Ayurvedic treatments and medicines and were very understanding, patient and polite. They really took good care of him. Thank you again
savit kelkar
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