Tips To Improve Lung Health with Ayurveda

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Ayurveda, also known as “Mother of All Healing,” traces its roots back to more than 5000 years ago in India. The ancient Vedic traditions stimulated the practice of Ayurveda through oral lectures by the masters to their disciples and were later converted into texts. The course of action is usually slower in Ayurveda as compared to Allopathy. Dr. Dattatray Nalage, from Aatrey Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic, Hadapsar, Pune, has specialized in Ayurveda courses and provides his patients with the proper treatment possible.

 Ayurveda For Lungs:

There are various troubles or diseases related to the lungs, such as asthma, cough, breathlessness, lung allergies, etc. Ayurveda helps to treat these problems with natural ingredients, herbs, and healthy intake.

Tips to improve lung health:

  • Eucalyptus :

This is a type of herb which acts as an antioxidant. It helps to increase the bronchioles present in your lungs. Moreover, it reduces mucus. It is highly effective for dry cough or bronchitis.

  • Kavala :

It is the method of gargling with sesame or any other edible oil. This procedure helps to cleanse the sinus leading to minimize chances of getting an allergic reaction in the lungs.

  • Kapha-reducing-diet :

This routine includes the omission of dairy, fried food, unhealthy fats from your meal. You should concentrate on having a heavy lunch, and the rest of the meals should be lighter than it. Lukewarm water with lemon and honey helps to cleanse the toxins from your body. Vitamin C present in lemon allows the lungs to transfer oxygen to the body.

  • Ginger and Onions :

These two are enriched with anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, which help the lungs to fight diseases.

  • Pranayama :

To achieve control over your breathing, you need to do this exercise. This not only helps to soothe your inner body but also improves your physical posture. Pranayama aids, to strengthen and boost the capacity of your lungs immensely, leading to an increase in the flow of oxygen in your body.

Dr. Dattatray Nalage, from Aatrey Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic, Hadapsar, Pune, attends to all his patients with utmost decency and care. If you’re not willing to take Allopathy or Homeopathy and are patient enough for a good result, then Ayurveda is definitely for you.