Ayurvedic Herbs that Helps You Control Blood Sugar Level

ayuarvedic diabetes treatment in Pune

Human blood carries sugar or glucose to every cell to enhance energy. Blood gets glucose from people’s food, and sugar is the prime energy source. But, when the sugar level in the blood increases, humans start suffering from diabetes or high blood sugar.

Types of blood sugar:-

The cases of patients suffering from blood sugar are getting increased day by day. Individuals usually suffer from two types of blood sugar – Type 1 & Type 2.

As per experts, Type 1 is an autoimmune condition. In this situation, the immune system damages the Beta cells mistakenly. Once these Beta cells get damaged in the Pancreas, it creates hazards in producing insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the human body cannot use insulin. Experts are still unaware of the exact cause of type 2 diabetes, but some contributing factors are genetics, inactive lifestyle, obesity, etc.

Ayurveda treatment:-

With the advancement in the field of medicine, Ayurveda plays a vital role in treating blood sugar. Different Ayurvedic herbs have shown efficient results in controlling blood sugar levels. Here are some Ayurveda home remedies for diabetes.

  • Giloy

Giloy leaves play a vital role in controlling blood sugar levels, and the regular use of these leaves can prevent diabetes. Giloy leaves help in boosting immunity, and the existence of antioxidants can fight injuring free radicals.

  • Vijaysar

It contains anti-hyperlipidemic properties that help control cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels in the body. It controls the conditions related to diabetes.

  • Gurmar

This herb grows in the tropical region of Australia, India & Africa. This herb contains flavonols that impact positively on diabetes. 

  • Methi

Methis plays an awesome role in controlling diabetes in people. Ayurvedic experts recommend consuming methi regularly to keep blood sugar under control.

  • Bitter gourd

The benefits of bitter gourd in controlling blood sugar levels can never be ignored. Regular consumption of bitter gourd juice will help in reducing blood sugar levels.

Diabetic patients can take necessary suggestions from Aatreya Ayurved Clinic Hadapsar, Pune.

Aatreya Ayurved & Panchakarma Clinic, Garbhasanskar Centre is an Ayurveda clinic in Hadapsar, Pune. The clinic is visited by Ayurveda doctors/therapists like Dr. Dattatraya Balkrishna Nalage.

Dr.Dattatraya Nalage is an Ayurvedic consultant by profession. He did his graduation with a “Bachelor in Ayurveda Medicines And Surgery (B.A.M.S.) From renewed institute in Pune i.e. Tilak AYURVED MAHAVIDYALAYA. Attached Tarachand hospital has a good number of patients.